For travel expenses only (based in London), call Marc Lorenzi on: 02077385444 or email:
ASH MANOR SCHOOL, Ash, Surrey in the news for all the right reasons.
Held in high regard throughout the County, Ash Manor School has also been recognised by National Charity, Traveller Movement of Britain (TMB) for its excellent work supporting GRT communities in education, you can read more below, reproduced from the TMB newsletter:
Race equality and minority achievement (REMA)
Introduction to REMA
Surrey’s Race Equality and Minority Achievement (REMA) team is an experienced, high-quality team with combined expertise in Gypsy/Roma/Traveller (GRT) and English as Additional Language (EAL) work.
REMA Services are offered by specialist teachers, traveller education support workers and bilingual support workers.
What can REMA offer you?
- improved outcomes for ethnic minority pupils in line with OFSTED expectations
- advice and liaison with other agencies to ensure the requirements of equalities legislation are met with regard to children and young people from minority communities
- identification, assessment and induction of vulnerable pupil packages to support pupil progress and remove barriers to achievement, including: direct teaching support, in-class support in the pupil’s first language, examination support, consultation and a range of other services
- joint planning with staff
- a menu of training and network opportunities to develop school and staff capacity going forward insight into cultural background of GRT community with advice and support on providing the right environment for these pupils
- engagement with parents by bridging the communication gap with EAL families and developing supportive relationships with parents in their first language
- helping to build home-school links and relationships with GRT families
- training and support for parents to engage positively with school
- advice and support on the identification of the SEND needs of EAL and GRT pupils
- support to maintain the attendance, engagement and learning behaviours of EAL and GRT pupils
- a full and value-for-money menu of training and other forms of support.
Contact us
If you would like to discuss your requirements or arrange a consultation with one of our specialist staff please contact:
- Susan Weston (REMA Lead Teacher, West Area)
email or call 01483 517831 - Moira Lemprière (REMA Lead Teacher, East Area)
email or call 01483 519109 - Mariana Wallington (Bilingual Support Coordinator)
email or call 01483 517675
Free advocacy and support for GRT families regarding schooling, see Traveller Movement of Britain flyer (above)
Action plan implemented to improve lives of Surrey’s Gypsy children
This is the headline from the Dorking & Leatherhead Advertiser and you can view the full story on line by clicking on the above link. Surrey County Council have concluded that there have been failings regarding GRT education in schools for a number of complex reasons. A report presented to Councillors in June suggests progress must be made in better fulfilling the needs of GRT children who tend to lag behind in schooling, though, timescales for improvements look distant…